Dr. Max Group successfully closed a comprehensive refinancing

Dr.Max Group, a leading retail pharmacy chain in Europe, successfully closed a comprehensive refinancing of its bank debt and raised additional funds for its further strategic growth in the total amount of up to EUR 940m.

“With this refinancing, reflecting the realized growth and future growth potential, Dr.Max has collected the financial means to further develop and continue the successful rollout of the Dr.Max’s omnichannel customer value proposition which is pretty much appreciated by our patients and customers everyday” comments Thomas Bornemann, Group CFO of Dr.Max. 

The bank financing was arranged and coordinated by UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s. and Komerční banka, a.s. (Société Générale Group) and the bank club consists of 14 banks. This complex deal (gradually to include obligors from six jurisdictions) was closed within six weeks, which is an extremely aggressive timeline for a transaction of this type and volume. 

Borrower side benefited from the legal advisory of Dentons Bratislava led by Patricia Gossanyiova and AK Evan led by Jan Evan and banks were fronted by White & Case Praha led by Tomas Jine.


Dr. Max BDC, s.r.o.

Na Florenci 2116/15
110 00 Prague 1

Dr. Max Group is a European pharmaceutical concern owned by Penta, an investment group established in 1994, operating primarily in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Their offices are located in Prague, Bratislava, Warsaw, and Limassol. The business areas of Penta Investments include long-term investing in healthcare, financial services, retail, manufacturing, media and real estate development. The companies of Penta’s portfolio employ more than 43,000 people, with more than 15,000 professionals working in healthcare. The group’s assets value reached €14 billion in 2022.

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